The "Golden Teacher" growkit is the most popular product in our Golden Teacher store - chosen by novice mycologists - but not only. This variety is very graceful in research and relatively predictable. 1200cc - 1200ml capacity of the plastic box container - some stores give the volume of the bag - numerically larger - just looks better #marketing
Is Grow Kit Golden Teacher legal?
Yes growkit is legal - none of the mycelium we sell has illegal substances in it.
Which Growkit for the first time?
Most people start their mycelium collections and observations in Golden Teacher's growkit. And when it comes to mycelium for growing, we recommend for the first time Soplowka.
How much does Grow kit Golden Teacher grow?
Remember that you can not use our growkits to grow mushrooms*. The viability of mycelium is such that fruiting bodies would be formed in it in 10-40 days [depending on fate and external conditions] - this info is just a curiosity. *Growkits of soplolly or reishi type mushrooms you can grow to further stages than mycelium.
How many throws from the growkit?
Up to 5 throws - depending on the type of growkit, luck and skill.
Can I use Soplka grow kits for breeding?
Of course. You can observe these growkits as mycelium - but you can also lead to the formation of fruiting bodies. This type of fruiting body will be fully legal. Remember that fruiting bodies cannot be collected from the wild - they are under protection.
What is a Golden Teacher?
This is a popular variety of Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms - and also the name of the store. The psilocybin and psilocin contained in the "golden fruiting bodies" cause a person's mind to enter a psychedelic state.
Golden Teacher black tarnish?
In pictures on the web you can sometimes find a black coating on the mycelium or fruiting bodies. You can then see the spores that have fallen from the "blades" of the fungus. In nature, gusts of air - wind would carry these "seeds" to other areas.
Growkit for beginners?
A classic and observational staple among cubensis - Golden Teacher - will be a good option.
If you have any questions then hit us up: CONTACT - remember, however, that we will not be able to answer some questions - due to the law.
We would like to remind you that it is forbidden to grow psilocybin mushrooms in Poland - the growkits we sell are only for laboratory research and/or for collection purposes.
Nasz sklep – powstał by zapewnić łatwy i bezpieczny dostęp do grzybni i zarodników grzybów psylocybinowych – do celów badawczych i kolekcjonerskich. Growkity przechowujemy w odpowiednich warunkach – tj. w szafach chłodniczych i wysyłamy odpowiednio / bezpiecznie zapakowane – używając do tego możliwie dużo materiałów recyklingowych. Zobacz też: Golden Teacher® – opinie o sklepie
You can also read about hallucinogenic mushrooms on the following sites SIN.
You can read about Soplum and Reishi mushrooms on the pages of PTMyk.
*growbox is not in the topic of mushrooms 920 - and in 420.
** because banned substances can be produced in these
***shipping takes place from Poland - growkits are fully compliant with Polish law
Some important terms related to mycology and psychedelics:
PSYLOCYBIN and PSYLOCIN. Psilocin is metabolized in the stomach from psilocybin, and it is probably responsible for the "mushroom sensations" - also after "magic truffles." A chemical compound from the tryptamine group. It has psychedelic properties. It is found in hundreds of species of mushrooms.
HALLUCINOGENIC MUSHROOMS. It makes little sense to define them in this way. Neither psilocybin nor psilocin causes hallucinations (seeing imaginary objects). Psychedelic mushrooms - this term makes sense, but "psilocybin mushrooms". is the most appropriate.
LEGAL GROWNKIT IN POLAND 🇵🇱 In mycelium and spores of mushrooms - there is no psilocybin or psilocin so this one can be sold, bought and possessed. However, you can not make the fruiting bodies grow out of the growkit.
LANCEOLATE COOTIE. This species of psilocybin mushroom can be found in Polish pastures. However, it cannot be harvested - this is illegal.
What is a Golden Teacher? This is probably the most popular variety of Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms. The psilocybin and psilocin contained in the "golden fruiting bodies" cause a person's mind to enter a psychedelic state. You can't experience this in Poland and most of the world.
The name - (literally translated - Golden Teacher) alludes to the almost mystical and "self teaching" experience that can be achieved after taking these mushrooms and what teachings "the mushroom can give us".
Golden Teacher Under the right conditions, it has sizable - fleshy fruiting bodies. According to growers, it is not difficult to grow - for example, it does not require heat shock. It cannot be cultivated in Poland - as well as all other hallucinogenic mushrooms. We encourage you to observe microscopically the spores and mycelium of these interesting mushrooms.
The Golden Teacher® store sells growkits, including a growkit of the golden variety. Interesting fact: In Poland it is accepted to write growkit together - in most countries it is written grow kit (which is of course linguistically correct). Occasionally you can find the notation growbox or grow box - but in general it is accepted that these are the names used to grow different plants.
Growkit Golden Teacher - potential power
The intensity of potential sensations or potential experiences - is at the top along with Mazatapec and McKennaii. The test kit or growkit with mature mycelium - observations with a microscope will bring the best experience.
Golden Teacher - dosage
Here we will write a few words about how Golden Teacher mushrooms should be dosed in theory. This is not advice - it is not knowledge you can use in practice.
Golden Teacher reviews
Golden Teacher has a very good reputation among beginners and advanced mycologists. The Golden Teacher mycelium is a benchmark for other varieties.
Psilocybe cubensis
On our site you will find several other varieties of psilocybe cubensis. In the form of mycelium, imprints or spores in ampoules. None of these products contain psilocybin or psilocin. They are therefore fully legal.
GROWKIT - what is it? A kit for growing?
The kit contains a mature mycelium of psilocybe cubensis which can be observed under a microscope. The mycelium can be used for research purposes only for a short time - so that no fruiting body is formed. Magic mushrooms - magic mushroom - is an increasingly popular topic, and it is worth taking an interest in it from the theoretical side and by observing the mycelium. Magic mushrooms growkit - is the phrase that probably led you here.
- "White shreds on the surface is the normal appearance of mycelium/mycelium?"
Yes - this is a symptom of a healthy - beautifully overgrown mycelium substrate.
Mycologists have been interested in mushrooms with "golden hats" for several decades. "Golden growkit" is the most popular product in our store - chosen by novice mycologists - but not only. This variety is very graceful to study and relatively predictable. Golden Teacher is the name of our store for a reason... it's where it all started. If you notice any errors on our site - please let us know (we will return the favor adequately).
Golden Teacher is one of the most appreciated varieties "magic mushrooms". In our store we offer spores of this fungus in liquid form, spore prints (prints) and sets with mycelium - Golden Teacher growkit.
We would like to remind you that the cultivation of Psilocybe Cubensis fruiting bodies and other psilocybe species is prohibited by law in Poland. The above information is for educational purposes only - we present it as a scientific curiosity.