What is the nature and function of time? Is history a work of chance or something intentional? Where did life on our planet come from and where is it going? What role can the conscious use of archaic ecstasy techniques play in protecting its diversity? What can we learn from shamanism and other mind-transformation technologies? Did man emerge from a "dabbling ape"? What impact did our relationship with mushrooms and hallucinogenic plants have on the development of language and imagination? Are we facing an imminent confrontation with the transcendent Other? How to prepare for a peculiar future?
In Archaic Rebirth, Terence McKenna shares his extraordinary vision of a world where nothing is obvious and everything is possible. In this world, we are at the edge of history, beyond which something peculiar awaits us; something that can be prepared for by appealing to the singularity of our human experience of the world. According to McKenna, the future will be ecstatic, ecological, entheogenic or not at all. This book thus presents an Archaic Revival program alongside a number of fascinating issues.