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Thanks to psychedelics, people are less prone to diabetes and heart disease?

diabetes heart disease psychedelics

Psychedelics - many people still believe that these substances - such as. psilocybin mushrooms - have a negative impact on health and people who regularly take them have more frequent problems, illnesses and ailments. However, is this true? It turns out that it's not quite. On the contrary. Recent studies show that the use of psychedelics can even have a positive effect on our well-being and also reduce the risk of contracting certain diseases that are already diseases of civilization.

Nowadays, an increasing percentage of people are struggling with obesity and the consequences that flow from it, such as diabetes and heart disease. Not surprisingly, then, scientists are conducting numerous studies on substances that can improve this condition. This research is so extensive that it increasingly includes drugs and substances with psychedelic effects. It turns out that what some people considered destructive and harmful actually can have a positive effect on our health.

The Psychology Today website recently published an article that confirms that the use of psychedelic substances can have a positive effect on health. The article cites the results of studies such as:

Psychedelics and research - what were they about?

The study included people who took classic psychedelic drugs, such as LSD, psilocybin i ayalaska. Their effects on both mental and physical health, as well as on the study participants' subjective assessment of their well-being, were examined. The studies mentioned in the article and by us above involved people who had used drugs and psychedelic substances throughout their lives.
However, it is also worth mentioning that the article also contains descriptions of the results of studies that also involved people who have handled psychedelic substances at least once. The conclusions of the research are very optimistic and can contribute both to the legalization of psychedelic drugs and to a real improvement in the lives of many people. 

What conclusions did the researchers reach?

Descriptions of scientific findings published by Psychology Today clearly confirm that even taking a psychedelic substance once contributes to maintaining normal blood pressure over the course of a year. The study used data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an annual survey conducted in the US.
There are also positive findings for people who take psychedelics long-term. This is because it has been proven that these people had lower rates of being diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes, were less likely to suffer from obesity, and had better assessments of their mental and physical condition. Their health was also improved by stress reduction. It is also worth mentioning that the authors of the study even put forward the thesis that classic psychedelics have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. 

Psychedelics in medicine - a new direction for treatment?

Psychedelics, such as LSD i psilocybin, until recently associated with alternative culture, are now gaining prominence in medicine. Studies suggest that they can be effective in treating drug-resistant depression, PTSD, existential anxiety and addiction. Interestingly, even a single therapy session with these substances can produce long-lasting effects. Psychedelics show the ability to "reset" negative thought and emotional patterns, which opens up new perspectives in the treatment of many difficult-to-treat disorders.