Medicinal mushrooms? Health mushrooms?

In the following article, we present selected information about mushrooms, which are the subject of scientific research and have a long tradition of use in various cultures.

Hedgehog soplollyLion's ManeHericium erinaceusPolysaccharides, erinacins, hericenonesSupports the nervous system, improves cognitive function, has neuroprotective effects Springer LinkNumerous preclinical and clinical studiesHericium erinaceus, an amazing medicinal mushroom
Yellow lacewingReishiGanoderma lucidumTriterpenes, polysaccharides, sterolsStrengthens the immune system, anti-inflammatory, potential anti-cancer effects of MDPIWidely studied in traditional and modern medicineMedicinal Mushrooms: Their Bioactive Components, Nutritional ... - MDPI
Subcortical glossophoreChagaInonotus obliquusPolysaccharides, triterpenes, sterols, melaninAntioxidant effects, supports the immune system, potential anti-cancer effects of MDPITraditionally used, modern research in progressMedicinal Mushrooms: Their Bioactive Components, Nutritional ... - MDPI
Chinese tentacleCordycepsOphiocordyceps sinensisPolysaccharides, cordycepin, adenosineIncreases energy and stamina, supports the immune system, has anti-inflammatory effects MDPIMore and more studies confirm its propertiesMedicinal Mushrooms: Their Bioactive Components, Nutritional ... - MDPI
Leafy SailfishMaitakeGrifola frondosaPolysaccharides (beta-glucans), triterpenesSupports immune system, regulates blood glucose levels, potential anti-cancer effects MDPIStudies confirm its health-promoting effectsMedicinal Mushrooms: Their Bioactive Components, Nutritional ... - MDPI
Japanese hardwoodShiitakeLentinula edodesPolysaccharides (lentinan), eritadenineStrengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol, potential anticancer effects MDPINumerous studies confirm its propertiesMedicinal Mushrooms: Their Bioactive Components, Nutritional ... - MDPI

It should be noted that although many of these mushrooms have a long history of use in traditional medicine, modern scientific research is still ongoing and results may vary. It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting supplementation with these mushrooms.

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